Brand guidelines
Resources for presenting the Privy brand consistently and professionally.

Naming and usage
"Privy" is a single word, always spelled with a capital “P”. It is the brand name of both our company and our products (not “Privy app”). Provide plenty of space around Privy assets. Make them big or make them small, but give them room to breathe. They shouldn’t feel cramped or cluttered.

The Privy brandmark should be used in all references to Privy as space allows. Monochrome usage is preferred with the brand colors to the left.

For tight layouts or logo-only grids, the Privy logomark is a concise way to refer to Privy. Use with good judgment for your audience, as the Privy wordmark has stronger brand recognition.

Protected by Privy mark
The Protected by Privy mark is included on all default UIs. It can be removed with the enterprise whitelabel solution.