
Accessing your embedded wallet everywhere

Andrew Hollenbach


Sep 4, 2024

We recently launched cross-app accounts, continuing to deepen interoperability of user data and assets across apps, in a way that keeps the user informed and in-the-loop.

Today, we’re making cross-app wallets easier to use than ever before! With this release, you can easily integrate a Privy-powered cross-app wallet into your existing Rainbowkit code or wagmi-based connector library with just a few lines of code. Using the Mobile Wallet Protocol standard, requesting a connection will seamlessly pop up an experience for the user, and from there, you can read balances, request transactions and signatures – everything you can do with the other wallets you know and love, all from an experience your customers are familiar with.

One of the most powerful aspects of building on crypto rails is its ability to drive cross-app experiences, allowing users to move seamlessly between apps, bringing their identity along with them. Embedded wallets make onboarding quick and easy, regardless of whether your users are already familiar with crypto, but wallets are often app-specific (new app, new wallet). Cross-app accounts let you leverage that simple onboarding experience across the web.

This is just the start.

We invite you to try it out for yourself! Experience firsthand how seamless and intuitive onboarding with Privy can be. If you're curious about how all of this works behind the scenes, stay tuned – tomorrow, we’ll be doing a deep dive into the technology that powers these experiences.

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